Sena - Atesoglu

Where Beauty Lies

A pair of experimental books exploring the dynamic evolution and conflicting nature of global beauty standards across history, geography, and cultural influences, highlighting the impact of Eurocentric ideals influenced by Western culture on perceptions of beauty. This two-volume series is organized around paired features: eyes and brows, nose and lips. These volumes delve into how beauty is defined and whether a fixed definition is achievable for something as fickle and diverse. They also examine the societal fascination with desiring what is unattainable and the ever-shifting trends in beauty.

Thesis Statement:

This thesis delves into the dynamic evolution and conflicting nature of global beauty standards throughout history, geography, and cultural influences, with an emphasis on the effects of Eurocentric ideals driven by Western influence on perceptions of beauty.

Research Questions:

Question 1: 
When and how has the Western influence manifested in global beauty standards?

Question 2:
How have global beauty standards been influenced by cultural and societal factors?

Question 3:
How do beauty standards differ across various regions, such as East vs West?


Twofaced seeks to expose the contradictory and capricious nature of global beauty standards, highlighting society's shift away from embracing ethnic features while Eurocentric beauty manifests.


Sarah Dunham | Advisor
SJSU Professor, Graphic Designer

Julio Martinez | Advisor
SJSU Professor, Graphic Designer

Rachel Garcia | Advisor
Freelancer, Beauty Researcher & Writer

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