Orianna - Castillo

Mementos of the Self

What truly makes a place a home? This project explores how two different places can both feel like home through comparing and contrasting the use of space and connection of oneself to physical objects. I did this by building a portable miniature dollhouse that is split: one side to represent California and one side to represent El Salvador, my two “homes.” The rooms and layout were built inside a mini travel trunk to reference the sense of “carrying home wherever you go!” The action of utilizing objects to map the “self” is explored.

Thesis Statement:

This thesis explores how we communicate what makes a place feel like home through the creation of a portable miniature dollhouse with the idea of autotopography and memories in mind as each room is built.

Research Questions:

Question 1: 
How can two completely different places both feel like home?

Question 2:
How do people explore the idea of communicating home through art?

Question 3:
How influential are personal objects to a person’s life?

Takeaway card, guidebook, and set of stickers.

Inside of takeaway card and guidebook.


Through this thesis project, I’m hoping that viewers immerse themselves in the process of reflecting on the places they call home and the specific experiences that come from them.


Earl Gee | Advisor
SJSU Professor, Graphic Designer

Yoon Chung Han | Advisor
SJSU Professor, Graphic Designer

Karina Alma | Advisor
UCLA Professor, Central American Studies

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